CV Information
Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
1 2024, KHOO KHER YING, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Functional and structural studies of a sortase gene from Gram-negative marine bacterium, CO-SUPERVISOR
2 2024, SAW CO-CO, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Effect of bacterial predator, Aureispira sp. CCB-E, on whiteleg shrimp and the dynamics of bacterial communities in the shrimp pond water, MAIN SUPERVISOR
3 2023, FADHILAH ARANIY, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Elucidation of Predatory Mechanism of Aureispira sp. Strain E Against Vibrio parahaemolyticus using RNA Sequencing Analysis Method, MAIN SUPERVISOR
4 2023, GURAMA AISHATU MUHAMMAD, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Endophytes of Silicate Solubilizing Potential (SSE) as a Biocontrol Agent Against Basal Stem Rot Disease (BSR) of Oil Palm., CO-SUPERVISOR