CV Information
Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
1 2024, AL SARRAY OUN DELI KHUDHAIR, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Synthesis and Characterisation of Gemcitabine-Chalcone Derivatives as Novel Mutual Anticancer Agents for Enhanced Cancer Therapy via Synergistic Conjugation., MAIN SUPERVISOR
2 2024, MOHAMMED ENAS KAREEM MOHAMMED, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Exploration of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Nanoparticles-Reinforced Coldcure Acrylic, MAIN SUPERVISOR
3 2024, AL SALIH SABREEN ALI MHMOOD, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Effects of Sintering Times and Temperatures On Monolithic Zirconia Crown Fracture Resistance Before and After Artificial Ageing, MAIN SUPERVISOR
4 2023, AL ANBARI AHMED ABDULRAZZAQ HAMMOODI, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Elucidating The Impact of Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) As an Antibacterial and Teeth Whitening Agent., CO-SUPERVISOR
5 2023, NOR AMIN BIN HASSAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Synthesis of New Isoniazid-Thiosemicarbazide Derivatives Conjugated with Gold Nanoparticle-Reduced Graphene Oxide: Novel Potential Anti Tuberculosis Drugs., CO-SUPERVISOR
6 2022, ABBASS NOOR NOURIE ABBASS, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Anti bacterial Effect of Zincoxide and Silver Nanoparticles Blended with Two Different Types of Orthodontic Retainers., MAIN SUPERVISOR
7 2022, MAO YONGCHUN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Research on Comfort of Taxi Seats for The Elderly and Improved Design of Taxi Seats., CO-SUPERVISOR
8 2021, BUNYAN SHAHAD FADHIL BUNYAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Kajian Sifat Mekanikal dan Kestabilan Warna Silikon Maksilofasial Dipertingkatkan Nanopartikel Berikutan Pelapukan Buatan dan Semula Jadi, CO-SUPERVISOR
9 2020, MAMUN KHAN SUJON, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Development and Characterisation of Bioactive Glass Based Polymer Composite Film for Potential Application in Tissue Engineering, CO-SUPERVISOR