CV Information
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Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
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1 | 2024, SUN LANGYAO, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, The Application of Group Counselling and Polygraph Approaches On Misbehaviour Personality Among International School Students in Malaysia., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
2 | 2024, WONG KE XIN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Relationship between parenting styles and adolescent development, CO-SUPERVISOR |
3 | 2023, KOAY GIM LING, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, The Development and Impact Of CBT Based Intervention Module For Adolescent With Gaming Addictions, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
4 | 2022, ZULFA BINTI SALEH, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Pembinaan dan Kesan Modul Terapi Bermain dan Psikopendidikan Terhadap Tingkah Laku Agresif Kanak-Kanak, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
5 | 2022, ISAH USMAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Effect of Career Intervention on Vocational Preferences and Learning Motivation among Junior Secondary School Students in Jigawa State, Nigeria, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
6 | 2021, XUE PIAO, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Individual Case Study of Satir Family Therapy Model and Its Localization Development in China., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
7 | 2021, LI FEIFEI, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, The Effect of Mandala Art Therapy Combined with Hypnosis Group Counselling on the Adaptation and Mental Health of University Freshman, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
8 | 2021, BELLO ASHIRU, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Correlation Between Self-Esteem, Personality, Career Awareness, Subject Choice and Academic Performance Amongst Colleges of Education Students in North-Western Nigeria., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
9 | 2021, KAVITHA A/P NALLA MUTHU, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, The Exploration of Counsellor's Awareness of Their Early Family Experiences and Their Influences on Professional Practice: A Grounded Theory Study in Malaysia., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
10 | 2020, SUN YINGLONG, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Physical and Sport Education., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
11 | 2020, LATIFAH BINTI IBRAHIM, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Kesan Modul Kaunseling Kelompok Brief Terapi Tingkah Laku (BCBT) Terhadap Strategi Daya Tindak dan Kemurungan Pelajar Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
12 | 2019, SITI KHADIJAH BINTI MOHD NASRAH, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, Development of CBT-DBT Modules and their Effects on Suicide Tendencies among Gay and Lesbian Adolescents, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
13 | 2019, SITI FADHLINA BINTI MUSTAPA KAMAL, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, The Effect Of Systematic Desensitization Technique In Reducing PTSD Of Adolescent Bullying Victim, MAIN SUPERVISOR |