CV Information
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Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
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1 | 2024, ELMOSHNIB MOHAMMAD IBRAHEM SAYED YASEEN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Unveiling the Tapestry of Excellence: A Comprehensive Analysis of Registrar’s Job Qualifications and Competencies in Higher Education Administration and Leadership, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
2 | 2024, CHEN YONGQIAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Associations Between Movement Behaviours Patterns and Mental Health Among School-aged Adolescents in Rural China, CO-SUPERVISOR |
3 | 2023, ZHANG DAYANG, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Development of Calibrated Item Pool for the Subject of French Language using the Rasch Model Analysis, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
4 | 2022, RABIU ABUBAKAR UBAH, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, The Impact of the GSP122 Test Achievement on Students’ ICT Self-Efficacy, Knowledge About ICT, Test Anxiety, and Test-Taking Strategy at the Sule Lamido University Kafin Hausa, Nigeria, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
5 | 2022, ALANAZI AWATIF IBRAHIM S, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, An Exploratory, Ethnographic Study of Potential Factors Affecting Attachment in Pre-School Children in The City of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
6 | 2022, YANG JING, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, The Washback Effect of the Senior High School Matriculation English Test on Junior High School English Teaching and Learning in Sichuan Province, China, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
7 | 2022, WANG YAO, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, A Study On the Relationship Between Academic Burnout and Subjective Well-Being of College Students., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
8 | 2022, ZHOU ZHUANG, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Factor Influence Bullying Victimization in Physical Education among Middle School Students: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem, CO-SUPERVISOR |
9 | 2022, WEI CHENCHEN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Research on the Practices and Importance of Traditional Chinese Craft Art on the Inheritance and Innovation of Students during the Teaching Process in China., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
10 | 2022, ZHANG LI, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Research on the Education of Entrepreneurship Values of College Students in China., CO-SUPERVISOR |
11 | 2021, HOU JING, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, A Study on Design and Implementation of Classroom Teaching Quality Standards of Undergraduate Course - Taking Guangdong University of Science and Technology as a Case., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
12 | 2021, ALANAZI SAUD FAHHAD A, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, 'Test Taking Strategy Use on the Reading Section of the Standardized Test for English Proficiency (STEP)'. A Study of the Saudi Arabian ESL Learners., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
13 | 2021, AL NAABI MOHAMED SAID AHMED, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Mathematics Low Achievement in Oman: A multilevel Analysis of the TIMSS 2016 Data., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
14 | 2021, HOU YAN FANG, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Study on China Malaysia Higher Education Cooperation., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
15 | 2021, XIE YUNHUI, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Study on International Exchange and Cooperation of Chinese Textile and Clothing Higher Education, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
16 | 2021, NING QIAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Understanding Physical Education Attitude: An Investigation of Students’ Physical Interests, Motivations, and Behavior in the Selected High Schools., CO-SUPERVISOR |
17 | 2021, ZHOU XIAOGANG, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Associations between 24-Hour Movement Behaviour and Anxiety Disorder: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs, CO-SUPERVISOR |
18 | 2021, ZHOU WANWAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Relationships between Perceived Autonomy Support, Physical Activity Goals, Causality Orientations, and Physical Activity among High School Students: The Mediating Role of Satisfaction of the Basic Psychological Needs., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
19 | 2020, ZHENLEI PI, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Stylistic Analysis on Annual Business Reports of Major Listed Companies in America and China Based on Bilingual Corpus., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
20 | 2020, MING LI, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Evaluating the Impact of Outcome-Based Education Implementation on Graduate Competence in Cross-Border E-Commerce in Public Higher Vocational Education, Nanjing City, China: The Role of Intended Learning Outcomes, Project-Based Learning, and Assessment Strategies, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
21 | 2020, LIU XUAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Research on How to Introduce Tai Chi Culture and Tai Chi in the Sports Education of Higher Education System in Malaysia., CO-SUPERVISOR |
22 | 2020, ZHANG HANYING, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, The Influence Of Social Support, Outcome Expectation, Self-Effcacy, Perceived Barriers And Self-Regulation Towards Physical Activity Among University Students In China., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
23 | 2020, LIU LONG, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Research on the Essence and Law of School Physical Education, CO-SUPERVISOR |
24 | 2020, ETTI RAHMAWATI, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Adaptation of the Indonesian Version of the Big Five Personality Inventory - 2 (BFI-2), MAIN SUPERVISOR |
25 | 2019, RUKHSANA ASHIQ, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, ADHD Children’s Socio-Psychological Problems and Physical Activities: A Social Ecological Model Analysis of South Punjab’s ADHD Children., CO-SUPERVISOR |
26 | 2019, RENUKHA A/P NALLASAMY, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Development and Validation of Reading Comprehension Test for Year 4 ESL Students by using GDINA Model, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
27 | 2017, NORLIZA BINTI ABDUL KADIR, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, The Influence of Organizational Suppport and Psycological Empowerment on the Commitment of Middle Leaders in Primary Schools in the States of Perlis, Kedah and Penang, CO-SUPERVISOR |
28 | 2017, PRAKASH A/L VELLOO, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, Training Needs Analysis of Homestay Operators in Pulau Pinang in English Language Grammar: Implications for HEIs, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
29 | 2016, SITI ROZAINI BINTI AHMAD, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, Development and Evaluation of E-Module of Brain-Based Learning Approach (e-MPPBO) to Improve Conceptual Understanding and Motivation of Skill Institution Students in Learning Heat and Temperature Topics, CO-SUPERVISOR |
30 | 2014, SOUDAMINI A/P NARAYANAN NAIR, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Vocational Programme for Special Needs Student in Polytechnics with the CIPP Stufflebeam Model, MAIN SUPERVISOR |