CV Information
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Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
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1 | 2024, SHARINATOL AKMANIDA BINTI JAMALUDIN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Development of a Cycling Simulator for Understanding the Role of Drivers Attitudes in Cyclists Safety Perception, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
2 | 2023, AL-TAWEEL HAYDER MOHAMMED HAYDER, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Understanding The Relation Between Improving Public Transport and Road Accidents in Lower Income Countries., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
3 | 2023, FARAH IFFAH BINTI MD HASHIM, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Travel Time Prediction from Geometric Properties of a Road., CO-SUPERVISOR |
4 | 2023, KEBLAWI ALA ZUHIER ASSAD, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Study of Developing Sustainable Index for Transport Sector for Developing Countries (Palestine as a Case Study)., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
5 | 2023, AL-HADEETHI AREEJ MUHY ABDULWAHAB, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Green Transport Planning for Baghdad City: Developing an Indexes for Measure of Transportation Sustainability., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
6 | 2022, AMIREH LUBNA SAMI OUDEH, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Processing Traffic Impact Study Outputs using Trips Overseas Manual to Accommodate with the Local Conditions., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
7 | 2021, MOHD SYAKIR BIN SAFFIE, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, B-Spline Curve Interpolation for Road Design., CO-SUPERVISOR |
8 | 2019, IRWAN SURANTA SEMBIRING, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Analysis Of Rerouting The Paratransit Route Network As A Feeder Mode Of Transport For LRT Services In Medan City, Indonesia, MAIN SUPERVISOR |