CV Information
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Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
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1 | 2023, DEKU GODWIN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Insecticide Resistance, Resistance Management and Population Dynamics of the Tropical Bed Bug, Cimex Hemipterus from Cape Coast, Ghana., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
2 | 2022, GAMBARI LUKMAN IDOWU, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Studies on The Biology of Chelisoches annulatus as a Potential Biocontrol of Tirathaba rufivena Pest of Oil Palm Plantations, CO-SUPERVISOR |
3 | 2022, SHARIF NAFIU USMAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Preparation, Characterization and Application of Dwi Functional UV- Curable and Solvent-Free Coatings Derived from Neem Oil (Flame Retardant and Termite Antifeedant), CO-SUPERVISOR |
4 | 2018, SITI HAMIDAH BINTI ISMAIL, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Evaluating Aquatic Insects as a Biomonitoring Tool in Several Rivers, CO-SUPERVISOR |