CV Information
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Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
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1 | 2024, DIYARBAKARLI BANAN, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Perceptions of Special Educators and General Educators about Effective Strategies for Inclusion of Special Need Students in Regular Classrooms: A Study in Abu Dhabi, UAE, CO-SUPERVISOR |
2 | 2023, SITI NOORHAFIZNAS HUSNA BINTI HUSNI, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Pelaksanaan Progran Transisi Kerjaya Dalam Matapelajaran Kemahiran Vokasional Spesifik, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
3 | 2016, CHUAH CHIA CHYN, MSC, RESEARCH - PART TIME, The Effect of Embodiment Techniques Intervention (Embodiment for Motor Skills and Social Reciprocity Skills-E4MSR) on the Motor Skills and Social Reciprocity Skills of Children with Autism, MAIN SUPERVISOR |