CV Information
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Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
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1 | 2024, NURHIDAYAH BINTI SAIFULLIZAN, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Polymeric Schiff Base Organic Ligand Metal Complex in High-Performance Supercapacitor, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
2 | 2023, NUR AMANI NAJWA BINTI SHAMSULAZRI, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Mechanistic Study of Mixed-Linkers Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)/Tio2 Composites as Photocatalyst for Contaminant Removal from Wastewater., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
3 | 2023, REVATHI A/P SUKUMAR, MSC, RESEARCH - PART TIME, Mixed-linkers Metal Organic Frameworks(MOFs) Photocatalyst for Wastewater Treatment, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
4 | 2022, AFIQAH BINTI MOHD JAMIL, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Preparation of Carbon-Doped Titania-Phosphorylated Chitosan for Enhanced Treatment of Textile Dyes Under Visible Light Irradiation, CO-SUPERVISOR |