CV Information
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Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
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1 | 2024, NUR SYAFINAZ BINTI MUHAMAD NASIR, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Elucidating the Synergism and Adsorptive Mechanisms of the Boron Adsorption Processes Utilizing Biomass-based Graphene Oxide Embedded in Composite Membrane, CO-SUPERVISOR |
2 | 2024, NUR EZZAH BINTI ABDUL KAHAR, MSC, RESEARCH - PART TIME, Acrylic Coatings with Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Nanoparticles for Enhanced Soundproofing Applications, CO-SUPERVISOR |
3 | 2024, NITHIEAHVATHIY, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, The Development of Green Free Heavy Metal Oxides Lignin-based Sunscreen, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
4 | 2024, LI HAISEN, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Synthesis and Characterization of C Doped Tio2 Quantum Dots for The Photocatalytic Removal of Antibiotics, CO-SUPERVISOR |
5 | 2024, FRANCIS LIFI, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Biolubricant from Palm Oil., CO-SUPERVISOR |
6 | 2024, SHAHNAWAZ SIDRA, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Utilization of Oil Palm Biomass., MAIN SUPERVISOR |
7 | 2024, BA SULIMAN MAGED MOHAMMED ABOBAKR, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Utilize Lignin Nanoparticle Biomass based on metal as an Ultraviolet (UV) Light Sensor, CO-SUPERVISOR |
8 | 2023, SUHASHNE A/P SELVAM, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Nano Lignin Particles (NLP) for Wood Adhesive – A Green Approach, MAIN SUPERVISOR |
9 | 2023, HUSSAIN EJAZ, MSC, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Polymer-Based Magnetic Nanocomposite for the Removal Emerging Contaminants, MAIN SUPERVISOR |