CV Information
Start Year, Student Name, Category, Mode, Thesis Title, Supervisor Type
1 2025, MAHAL ARKAN MOHAMMED MAHAL, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Evaluation of Non-Linear Feature Extraction for Automated Detection of Hemorrhagic Brain Stroke Using Low Dose CT Imaging., MAIN SUPERVISOR
2 2024, NUR MAIZATUL AZRA BINTI MUKHTAR, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Development of Novel Metal-Polymer Hybrid Composite for Radiation Protection., MAIN SUPERVISOR
3 2023, ARIEFFUDDIN BIN ALEK AMRAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Liver Cancer Personalised Dosimetry in Yttrium-90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT): Retrospective and Prospective Studies., MAIN SUPERVISOR
4 2020, SITI ZALEHA BINTI MAT ISA, PHD, RESEARCH - PART TIME, Development of Radiolabelled Gold Nanoparticle for Dynamic PET/MR Molecular Imaging., MAIN SUPERVISOR
5 2019, NOORFATIN AIDA BINTI BAHARUL AMIN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Establishment of Dispenser System Functionality for Dispensing High Dose Radiopharmaceutical to Reduce Radiation Exposure to Nuclear Medicine Personnel, MAIN SUPERVISOR
6 2018, HAMEED KAMRAN, PHD, RESEARCH - FULL TIME, Development of maximum likelihood expectation maximization method for a micro-computed tomography imaging equipped with a photon counting detector., MAIN SUPERVISOR